A Stranger in My Head

A Stranger in My Head

When I look into your eyes
The nothing is so strong
I don’t know when it got there
It’s been so very long.

The love that once I thought we shared
Was nothing but a myth
I’m nothing but a paycheck,
Not a partner to be with.

“No one else would love you.”
You said, to break my heart
The only reason I’m still here,
I can’t afford to live apart.

The kids don’t like when you’re around
The ask me all the time
Why does Daddy cry so much?
Where is he at bed time?

I walk around an empty shell
A stranger in my head.
No one to share life’s ups and downs
Alone at night in bed.

A marriage is supposed to be
A partnership of two
A lonely self existence
Is what I have with you.